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منابع و مآخذ اینترنتی
البدوی، امیر؛ رها، بهروز، (۲۰۰۶)،مهندسی مجدد در سازمان های دولتی، بر گرفته از پایگاه مقالات مدیریت به نشانی :www.system.parsiblog.com
دوراندیش ، پژمان، (۱۳۸۹)، بر گرفته از روزنامه دنیای اقتصاد، شماره ۲۲۵۰، صفحه ۳۰، به نشانی:
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سایت خبرگذاری فارسبه نشانی:www.farsnews.com
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عین الهی، اکبر(۱۳۹۰)، اختلاس در نظام بانکی ایران ادامه خواهد داشت، برگرفته از سایت تابناک به نشانی:
روزنامه تفاهم، (۱۳۸۶)، با ابلاغ اصل ۴۴ساختار بانک های دولتی باید تغییر کند، مجموعه مقالات بانک، به
www.tafahomnews.com/Sections-req-viewarticle-artid-2330-page-1.htmlنشانی: |
Unmistakably, the banking industry in Iran as one of the most important economic and financial system instrument can provide a means of economic development in the country by helping credit and financial policies. In recent years,numerous problems of this industry caused many corrective actions to make change in it. But since these activities were mainly cross-sectional and were created just to pass a specific time or challenge, they never lead to fundamental changes.
The ratification of 20-year vision of country development document and the four five-year plan in order to fulfill its objectives, and also the strategic role of banks as the most fundamental prerequisite for achieving national development, is a unique opportunity for fundamental changes in banking industry.
One of the methods used for fundamental changes by the organizations that in the past two decades had witnessed an explosive growth is business process reengineering. Despite revolutionary and fundamental advances in organizations, we have witnessed the high failure rate in such proceedings. Accordingly, the goal of this study was to determine the required fundamental changes areas of Iran banking industry for achieving national development. Using descriptive, explorative and analytic methods and with the determination of the entire Iran banking industry including public and private banks as a place territory and the solar year 1391 as a time territory, this study determines the required fundamental changes areas of Iran banking industry by the strategic approach.
The present study has two statistical societies including organizational one which ten public and private banks have been selected among them, and statistical societies for managers and banking industry programmers that respondents have been selected among them. Questionnaires were used for data collection and statistical methods for Data analysis.
The result of this study indicates the need of fundamental changes in four areas: mission and goals, strategies and policies, structures and tasks, and environmental factors and beneficiary groups. Comments from respondents revealed that the mission and goals area has a higher priority than the other ones.
Key words: Reengineering, Vision, Policy, Process, Development, Bank
Islamic Azad University
Naragh Branch
»M.A« Thesis
The Study on How to Implement the Reengineering of Iran Banking Industry: The Strategic Approach in Line with the Business Environment Improvement
Supervisor :
Dr.M.R Mostofi
Advisor :
Dr. M. Rasolian
By :
Adel Mahabadi
Economic development ↑
Development ↑
Fundamental changes ↑
Reengineering ↑
Reengineering ↑
Vission ↑
Policy ↑
Process ↑
Development ↑
Bank ↑
banco ↑
Business Process Reengineering ↑
leveling ↑
Michael Hammer ↑
Re-engineering Work: Don’t Automate Obliterate ↑
Reengineering the corporation: Manifesto for Business Revolution ↑
James Champy ↑
Fundamental ↑
Radical ↑
Dramatic ↑
Process ↑
Input ↑
Output ↑
Business Process Reengineering ↑
Business process reengineering ↑
Information technology ↑
Harvard business review ↑
Sloan management review ↑
Harrington ↑
Rigby ↑
Stodard ↑
Total Quality Management ↑
fad ↑
Aldowaisan ↑
Gaafar ↑
O’Neill ↑
Sohal ↑
Guimaraes ↑
Product development cycle ↑
objective ↑
goal ↑
aggressive ↑
Operate across organizational units ↑
Timely fashion ↑
top ↑
Set the pace ↑
aggressive ↑
stretch ↑
gap ↑
End-to-end ↑
consensus ↑
Reverse Engineering ↑
Forward Engieering ↑
Redesign ↑
Reengineering ↑
expense ↑
paperless ↑
Cost-effective ↑
methodology ↑
Fact-based ↑
intuitive ↑
Methodologist and Methodist ↑
Clean slate ↑
Guha ↑
Work plan ↑
milestone ↑
checkpoint ↑
Maull ↑
Strategic BPR ↑
Process-focused BPR ↑
Cost-focused BPR ↑
Al-Mashari ↑
Zairi ↑
Total Quality Management ↑
prototyping ↑
Burke ↑
Barret ↑
Petrozo ↑
Stepper ↑
Johansson ↑
Davenport ↑
Short ↑
Furey ↑
kettinger ↑
Grover ↑
Guha ↑
Harrison ↑
Pratt ↑
Yu ↑
Wright ↑
Linden ↑
Peppard ↑
Tennnant ↑
wu ↑
Furey ↑
Kelin ↑
solution ↑
transformation ↑
Barret ↑
incubation ↑
eureka ↑
Taking choice ↑
Harrison ↑
Harrison ↑
Setting direction ↑
base lining ↑
lever ↑
Hunt and gather ↑
retrain ↑
retool ↑
discover ↑
realize ↑
Damij ↑
Tabular application development ↑
System functioning ↑
Kalpic ↑
Bernus ↑
facts ↑
Manganeli ↑
Day ↑
Analytic hierarchy process ↑
Process reengineering life cycle ↑
envision ↑
Uncover pathologies ↑
install ↑
engage ↑
Technical competence ↑
Process delineation ↑
Tactical planning ↑
overextension ↑
improper ↑
Sutcliffe ↑
Zairi ↑
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